Release of our games on Meta Store, active development of a new major franchise.
Release of the Vriends VR platform. The platform received a significant grant from NSF USA and Autism Speaks UK.
Release of our games on PlayStation VR
Release of Desirium on 3dof devices
Release of «Fibrum Pro» VR headset to the world market
Ilya Flaks founded Fibrum in April
FIBRUM is a world-class developer of AR/VR content
The company was founded in 2014, and in just 9 years, it has evolved from the «Fibrum Pro» VR headset producer to a major software developer.
You can still find «Fibrum Pro» in Amazon, Best Buy, Media Markt, and Walmart stores to this day.
The company has created 40 mobile VR applications, including games, attractions, and a VR cinema, which have been downloaded by users more than 21,000,000 times worldwide.
These applications are available on both the AppStore and GooglePlay, as well as in Oculus Store, MiVR, PICO Store, HTC and Viveport.
Now we are a professional team specializing in the development of VR games.
We actively release our games on Meta Store and PlayStation.
We also like to develop socially significant medical or educational VR platforms for business.